Workplace Violence: The Early Warnings Signs - Manager Version
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Workplace violence. It can happen in any size organization, in any industry. We read about it in the news often enough that it seems to be a fairly common threat. Fortunately, these tragedies are rare considering the millions of people who go to work every day without incident. And since much is now known about such attacks, the vast majority can be prevented by paying attention to the warning signs and responding with quick, decisive action.
The manager version of this training program and its accompanying study guide offer additional content for managers and supervisors, such as how to hold information-gathering meetings, confront a bully, or terminate a problem employee. Managers are strongly encouraged to get support from HR, security or other designated resources if they feel uncomfortable or if there is any possibility of a violent reaction. Even if your workplace does not experience threats that indicate immediate danger, proper training on the appropriate response to warning signs of violence will improve employee comfort levels, show due diligence, and help the overall mental health of your organization. A Study Guide is included in purchase. Additional Study Guides are available for purchase.