Training For A Harassment-Free Workplace - Employee Version
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What makes this video program unique is a sequence of original stories that convey important training points as seen through the eyes of the participants. Instead of explanations from on-screen narrators, first-hand reporting keeps the action moving and makes it personal. This helps viewers internalize the content and retain lasting impressions that stay with them long after the training is over.
The consequences and potential harm caused by hostile environment and quid pro quo harassment are clearly explained. Viewers also learn about protected characteristics, third-party harassment, retaliation, and other forms of abusive behavior. And while sexual and other forms of illegal harassment are covered, our focus is on respect and consideration for others. The scenarios are meant to prevent unwelcome behavior before it escalates out of control. This excellent program will improve behavior overall, encourage communication, and help create workplaces that are respectful, productive, and harassment-free.