OSHA 10 Hour Training For General Industry: Machine Guarding
Available for MP4 video download by purchasing a corporate or single-site license.

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Machine guarding refers to the methods and means used to protect workers from amputations and other serious injuries resulting from the mechanical actions of machinery. The frequency and severity of these types of machine-related injuries is why OSHA has included machine guarding as an approved topic for inclusion is its 10-Hour Training for General Industry. In addition to the six hours of training on required topics, OSHA requires four more hours of instruction on various elective topics. The combination of required training and elective training must total 10 hours.
The content in this program is not certified by OSHA but may be used by an organization as part of a training curriculum which is equivalent to that provided in OSHA's 10-Hour General Industry Training.
This program provides an in-depth discussion of how machine guarding and the control of hazardous energy can prevent injuries. It also discusses the mechanical components and common movements of machines, the importance of lockout tagout and that only authorized employees can perform it, and several general safe work practices for machine operators.