Forklift Safety Lessons for The Safe Operator
Available for MP4 video download by purchasing a corporate or single-site license.
Powered industrial trucks, commonly called forklifts, can be very dangerous as each year, nearly 1 workers are killed and another 2, seriously injured in forklift-related accidents. Forklift operators play a vital role in preventing these incidents. By using the training they have received, staying alert to the hazards around them and working safely with pedestrians, loads can moved securely, each and every time. That's the purpose of this program--to show operators the safe work practices they must follow to avoid injuries and property damage. Topics include training and qualification, pre-operational inspection, mounting and exiting forklifts safely, the stability triangle, preparing for hazards before traveling, traveling with a load and safe operation around pedestrians. Use of maintenance platforms, types and classes of forklifts and sloped surfaces are other issues addressed in the video.
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