Understanding and Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls
Available for MP4 video download by purchasing a corporate or single-site license.
This program will provide viewers with a detailed understanding of how and why slips, trips, and falls occur in the workplace, and the precautions we must take in order to prevent these incidents. Topics include:
- Factors in maintaining balance and stability
- Center of gravity and base of support
- Gravity, momentum and friction
- Importance of selecting proper footwear
- Unsafe acts that contribute to falls
- Good housekeeping
- Path of travel
- Other safe work practices to prevent falls
The statistics related to slips, trips and falls in the workplace are staggering: nearly 16 million fall injuries occur each year. These mishaps are the second-leading cause of fatalities on the job and the third-leading cause of employee disability. To help prevent fall injuries at your facility, your employees must understand the common factors and hazards that contribute to falling, and the safe work practices they must follow to prevent slips, trips, and falls.
This program features a compilation of topical microlearnings. To view each microlearning individually, select Microlearning Collection: Understanding and Preventing Slips Trips and Falls.