Indoor Air Quality
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It is all around us, and we breathe it every day to stay alive. But how "clean" is the air that we breathe? While we know that it contains oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, there may be other substances in the air around us that we do not know about... such as dust, mites, spores, bacteria, and hazardous fumes. Air pollution is not just an outdoor problem. Contaminated air inside a workplace can lead to major health problems such as asthma and emphysema. In fact, indoor air quality is enough of a concern that the EPA and NIOSH have created an Indoor Air Quality Guide.
This video shows employees the potentially harmful effects of poor air quality, and will help them prevent, identify, and correct air quality problems. Areas covered in the program include:
- The sources of air contamination
- Adhesives, solvents and vehicle exhaust
- How a building's occupants affect indoor air quality
- Smoking and second-hand smoke
- The use of humidifiers and dehumidifiers
- Pollutant pathways, including air ducts and crawlspaces
- Heating and air-conditioning systems
- The symptoms and signs of poor air quality