Three Keys To Safe Driving: Prepare, Anticipate And Defend
Available for MP4 video download by purchasing a corporate or single-site license.
Driving a motor vehicle can be challenging and complicated. Because practically every person will operate or be a passenger in some type of vehicle each day, motor vehicle safety is not only important for drivers of personal vehicles, but is also an important safety issue for employers and workplaces worldwide. In fact, motor vehicle crashes account for more than 40 percent of all work-related deaths and an even larger percentage of all injuries that result in time away from work. There are a multitude of reasons for such a high injury rate related to motor vehicles, including unsafe driving habits, changing traffic and weather conditions and unpredictable actions of other drivers. This program discusses three key elements of a safe driving strategy that allow vehicle operators to navigate safely through this ever-changing and potentially hazardous environment: Prepare; Anticipate; and Defend.
Topics include preparing yourself and your vehicle for travel, planning your route and preparing for conditions, anticipating driving hazards, avoiding distracted and fatigued driving, speeding, following too closely, safe driving habits and aggressive driving.