Electrical Safety Related Work Practices and the 2021 NFPA 70E For Supervisors and Managers
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This program provides supervisors and managers of electrical workers a clear understanding of the requirements of the 2021 NFPA 70E. Included in these requirements and outlined in this program are the hierarchy of controls to eliminate electrical hazards, the required elements of the electrical safety program, worker training requirements, program audits, risk assessments and the proper labeling of electrical equipment for shock and arc flash hazards. The dual hazards of electric shock and arc flash are explained in this program as well as the factors that contribute to the severity of injury, including an explanation of the incident energy associated with an arc flash and how this is used to establish the Arc Flash Boundary distance.
Also explained are the conditions that require an electrically safe work condition to be established as well as the step-by-step process of creating and verifying an electrically safe work condition. In addition, the program describes those limited instances when energized work is allowed as well as the safe work practices and procedures that are required for work involving electrical hazards. This includes the Energized Electrical Work Permit, shock and arc flash risk assessments, job planning and job briefing, the establishment of approach boundaries and the selection of arc-rated clothing and PPE.
The definition of a qualified electrical worker is explained as well as the knowledge and skills required for a qualified electrical worker to cross the Restricted Approach Boundary. Also included are the restrictions and exceptions for unqualified workers related to the various approach boundaries.
To assist supervisors and managers in seeking out additional information, this program provides the regulation’s article and section numbers for the referenced information as well as the specific numbers of the look-up tables used to determine approach boundaries and the selection of personal protective equipment.