You (“Customer”) are purchasing an automatically renewing 12-month subscription to the Essential Training Collection (“ETC”) delivered via AP Safety Training’s Training Video Now (“TVN”) platform.
By clicking “Accept”, you acknowledge your understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions defined by Essential Training Collection Subscription Agreement (“Agreement”).
This Agreement provides for Customer access to the ETC delivered via AP Safety Training’s TVN platform and accessed via the internet for the period of one year (“Subscription Period”).
Customer Access
Use of the ETC Subscription is limited to the Customer’s organization, including employees, contractors, and volunteers. Customer may not share access with other organizations or individuals.
Available Video Titles
Customer may access all the ETC videos listed on AP Safety Training’s Training Video Now website. AP Safety Training reserves the right to limit or terminate access to any title at any time due to producer restrictions.
Copyright Protections
All content available in the ETC is protected by United States copyright law, which provides criminal penalties for the non-licensed use of copyrighted material as well as the unauthorized duplication or distribution of copyrighted material. The videos may neither be downloaded nor copied, in whole or in part.
Essential Training Collection Use Period
All titles included in the ETC are available for unlimited plays for the entire Subscription Period.
Customer will be provided with login credentials including username and password, enabling Customer to access the ETC via TVN. Once logged into TVN, Customer may select video titles immediately and/or at any time during the Subscription Period.
The cost to purchase one 12-month subscription for unlimited plays of the titles covered in this Agreement is $995.00. Customers who enable auto-renew of their subscription receive a $100 discount, bringing the annual cost to $895.00.
Duration of Agreement
This Agreement will take effect upon set-up of Customer’s account and will remain in effect for 12 months. Agreement will automatically renew for customers who enable auto-renewal of their subscription.
Customer may cancel their subscription by contacting AP Safety Training at least 30 days prior to their Subscription renewal date. Communication of cancellation must be in writing via email to or via the Contact Us form at No refunds will be given for subscriptions cancelled before the end of the Subscription Period.
AP Safety Training makes no guarantee that any particular video program is appropriate or adequate for any specific application. Customer is solely responsible for selecting programs appropriate for their specific training needs and working environment.
The terms of this Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina and any dispute in relation thereto shall be in the District Court of the State of South Carolina.